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Comic-Con app, it contains not only the building plans and search for program and partners, but also the whole program and lots of other important information.
The main map with the signpost and the system of mappoints can be found directly opposite the main entrances 1-12. And follow the maps on the roll-ups located on other floors.
FLOOR 0: main hall A - technology zone, fun activities, video game, stage with programme, exhibition, refreshments, toilets...
FLOOR 1: Artist Alley, photo and autograph area, refreshments, toilets...
FLOOR 2 (entrances, on the street level): main program in Hall B, vendor booths, CCP reception, CCP merch, cosplayers' and comic artists' booths, exhibitions, cosplayers' dressing room, Cosplay Stage with program, VIP and PRESS zone, fan program, card games, RPG and wargaming zone, refreshments and toilets...
FLOOR 3: Video game room, board game room, halls with fan program, exhibitions, fun activities, balcony of the main hall B, 2nd main program in hall E2, refreshments, toilets, smoking area...